Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bands I Want Albums From Right Now

I know this is really off topic from writing, but I had to post it anyway.

Bands that I want new album's from right now (but unfortunately haven't heard any news on one yet). And yes, some of these could probably be categorized as Christian bands.

1. Skillet: Oh darling, why are you waiting so long to give me something new? I know, I know, you just released a new album in 2013, but since I tend to notice a two year gap between this band's albums, I am expecting one in 2015. And I better get it. Right now.

2. Icon For Hire: I know, I just started listening to this band like a week ago, but where's lucky album #3? I need it right now because I think my heart will explode if I don't get it.

3. Fireflight: Before you yell at me, I am aware this band has a new album coming out in 2015, but we've gotten no track listing, no samples, no nothing. Not only that, but the album was SUPPOSED to be released this last summer, but then got pushed to October, and then got pushed to May because the lead singer is having a baby. If we ever get this album, it'd be a miracle.

4. EarlyRise: This is an indie band I've liked for a while now, and they started a Kikstarter page to fund their second album in 2012, but have made no updates, no NOTHING since they reached their goal. What are they waiting for? Are they out drinking and partying with the money that was given to them? Buying themselves presents. We haven't seen any cover art, seen a track list, or even heard a guitar rift from this band since 2011. And they post weekly updates on Facebook about nothing important. How about give your fans something they care to hear about? Thanks.

5. Paramore: Their most recent album came out in 2013 and then just recently re-released it as a deluxe album. *yawns* The deluxe only had ONE new song. And the rest were all live versions. Seriously, I'm a ParaWhore for Paramore, and if they don't give me a new album soon, I'm going to believe they're Para-No-More.

6. Panic! at the Disco (aka unofficially, The Brendon Urie Project): I know, I'm a big meanie, but I seriously feel like Panic! at the Disco is over. I mean, on the new album, Brendon was the only one on the cover of it, and his guitarist was in rehab the entire time he was on tour, so Brendon was doing it all with paid people to fill the missing slots. If the band is breaking up, please just let me know, because I'm not interested in a solo project. BUT if the band is staying together...GIVE ME MORE.

7. Evanescence: What is up with this band? Are they over? Are they not over? Just tell me something! Anything! Give me a sign of you existence, please. If you're dead, I'll go cry in a hole now.
8. We As Human: This Christian band has released one album and I want more! Ten songs is not enough to hold me over. I mean, seriously, it's been forever now. Just give me some more of you heavy screaming and angst and relate-able music that is actually GOOD and uplifting? Please. I need some more...I'm only human. *winks excessively*

9. We Are The Fallen: While I think this band is over (simply because they've been compared too much to Evanescence considering it consists of three former member of Evanescence), there has been no news. And you can shoot me if you wish, but I actually like this band more than Evanescence and want more. Right now. Just tell me if this band's dead or not so I can stop anxiously waiting for nothing.

So there you have it. Those are all the bands I want albums from right this second, and if I don't get it, well...I'll be one unhappy child.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Overcoming Writer's Block (And Other Random Topics)

I've decided tonight that I'm going to try and exercise, so if you're reading this blog post, then you're going to be reading my random thoughts as I try to overcome writer's block.  Now, I can't guarantee that there will be anything remotely interesting in this post, because you know, as the title says, it's just random thoughts that are coming to my head.  I just went and made some Mint Medley tea in hopes that it'll help get some thoughts flowing because this writer's block is really kicking my butt.

As of right now I'm trying to write two books:  Shadow's Wings (the second book in The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles) and Once I Fall (the sequel to Before I Break).  Both books I am currently having an issue starting and it's driving my crazy.  I can't even think of a good first sentence.  What stresses me out even more is that I have deadlines that need to be met and I've been sitting here for nearly a month and a half and haven't written anything because I feel so brain dead.

I think every creative person's worst nightmare is the thought of losing their creativity for good.  That's exactly how I feel right now, like every creative bone in my body has been crushed to a million pieces.  I feel like I'll never be able to write again.  I don't think anyone who's not creative understands the feeling, and it hurts.  It actually makes me go crazy.  While I do believe there's a scientific reason for writer's block, I'm not sure it's been proven what exactly causes it yet, but it really sucks!

I truly don't know what to do, and as I set here at 12:43 AM typing this while my brother sleeps, I desperately wish I could be writing.  After the cliffhanger at the end of the first book in The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, I want to know how things turn out, yet here I am as dumb and oblivious as I've been for 6 weeks.  

Earlier I was reading The Witch With No Name by Kim Harrison, the last book in The Hollows series, and boy do I wish I could finish it!  For some reason I've been lacking in the reading department and...I don't really know why.  I think something's going on with me, but maybe I'm wrong...Anyway, I want to finish the book because it's the LAST book in a series I've loved for so many years and hate that it's taking me so long to read it.  I am also reading Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout and really love it as well. 

What else can I randomly talk about?  Well, right now I'm listening to my new favorite indie band called WE ARE TWIN, and I really recommend checking them out.  They're great, truly, and give me really good inspiration.  It's not my typical style in music, as it sounds and pop, and I don't know, it's odd.  Like...80's?  90's?  Definitely doesn't sound like 2000s, but that's what I like about it.

And because I'm tired and think I have some tidbit of interest in reading...I am going to go do that, so thanks for reading this completely pointless blog post about my not-so-interesting life.  :)  Stay turned for my books coming out next year!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

List of Book Release Dates

With all of my upcoming books, you may be wondering when the release dates are going to be.  After making a strict schedule for myself, the release dates for all of my upcoming books are below.

2015 Books

  • Forbidden Darkness (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book One):  January 9, 2015
  • Shadow's Wings (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book Two):  May 21, 2015
  • Fiery Passion (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book Three):  October 20, 2015
  • Once I Fall (Before I Break, Book Two):  December 15th, 2015.
2016 Books
  • Frostbite's Fury (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book Four):  February 8, 2016
  • Angel's Rage (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book Five):  June 16, 2016
  • Demon Cries (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book Six):  October 27, 2016
  • Until It's Done (Before I Break, Book Three):  December 15th, 2016
2017 Books

  • Darkness Ascending (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book Seven):  Unknown date
  • Perfect Sacrifice (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, Book Eight):  Unknown Date
Which of these books are you most excited for?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Before I Break Sequel...Or Two?

Alright guys, I have a very important announcement to make, and while many of you are probably going to be upset about the idea, I know many of you are going to be ecstatic.  

Ever since Before I Break released in September, I've been struggling with whether or not I am going to write a sequel to Before I Break, because originally the idea was meant to be a standalone novel.  But by the time I finished the book, I knew there was more to tell.  I figured that I would wait to see the readers' responses, and if they liked it, I would write more.  On Goodreads, I even made a section where readers could tell me whether or not they want a sequel to Before I Break.  

Of course, that got no responses, but I did hear from a few readers, and all of them told me that they believed the book should remain a standalone.  It wasn't like I didn't understand, I mean, I wrote it AS a standalone.  Hell, even the epilogue skips ten years, so readers probably think that by writing a sequel, I'd be majorly screwing it up.

I, on the other hand, don't believe that.

This right here is news to everyone:  I actually started writing a sequel for Before I Break almost immediately after it came out and didn't like where it was going and put it on hold.  But after having a few months to separate myself from that work and focus on something else, I need to admit something.

I miss Cyril.  I miss Melissa, and Avery, and Austin, and even Jake for crying out loud.  I miss those characters more than I think I miss real people, because to me they were real and I feel like they deserve better than they got.  I feel like their stories just aren't over.  I feel like, if I leave them hanging like I did in Before I Break, there's so much we miss.

Think about it.  Our lives are always changing and things are always happening to us that make a good story.  Every day of our life is a chapter, and I feel the same way for these characters.  They deserve more than a teeny, tiny book that tells only one portion of their lives, because everything that happened in Before I Break affects them as people later on.

And I know after reading Before I Break, most people were wondering, "Who the hell is Jessica?"  Well, don't worry, you're going to find out.

It's taken me a long time to say this, but after getting a request, I am going to make this announcement now.  There are going to be two more books.


So what are the concepts of these two books?  I won't say much because I don't want to spoil for those who have yet to read Before I Break but the next two books are going to be called Once I Fall and Until It's Done.  Both books are going to be set to release before the end of 2016.

I've truly missed these characters with all my heart.  Here are some of the things I will say in regards to the books.

  • Once I Fall will consist of Cyril's point of view and Melissa's point of view.
  • Once I Fall will take place in between some of the time of the ten years between the last chapter of Before I Break and it's epilogue.
  • Until It's Done will be written in a dual-POV of Cyril's two boys.
  • A short story is planned to be included in one of these novels from Jake's POV.
  • While there are no set release dates, the plan is to publish Once I Fall in 2015 and Until It's Done in 2016.
So there you have it, everyone.  What do you think about the announcement?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Festival of Scribes 2014: Facebook Event

Hey everyone!

This week I came up with an idea that I wasn't so sure about, so I went to one of my indie author friends and she said it's a great idea.  So now, December 1st through 5th, we are hosting a Facebook event called Festival of Scribes 2014.  This event is so far being held by five authors, though more may be added before then.  For five days, we will be promoting our books, doing giveaways, etc.  As of right now, I have a few things planned, such as e-book giveaways, a live excerpt reading session of Forbidden Darkness, a Q&A session, and a few other things.  

I urge every single one of you to join, even if it's just to see what we were doing.  Most of the event will be fan based, which is why we need you to be there.  The author list is as follows.


Alec John Belle (obviously):  Author of Before I Break and the upcoming Forbidden Darkness Chronicles series.

Nikki Rae:  Author of The Sunshine Series and her brand-new novella, The Donor (which I read by the way and it's amazing!)

Scott Colbert:  Author of Barbed Wire Kisses

Toni Canada:  Author of Love Scandal and Deceit 

Jefferri L. Andrews:  Author of The Macos Adventures Series 


Clearly we are a diverse group of individuals, which was the whole point.  We want to reach to people who love different genres and expand our fan base.  So please, join our event and check us out.  There's romance, horror, paranormal, and adventure authors.  We want you to be there for sure!

The link is as follows:

Friday, November 7, 2014

FORBIDDEN DARKNESS Release Day Party on Facebook

Fellow readers!

Anyone who is interested in The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles should attend my release day party I have planned for Facebook on January 9, 2015.  There will be times where you can ask questions, possibly win a free copy of the first book, and more!  It's still in the early stages on planning, so I'll have more information in a few weeks.  

In the meantime, go check it out and tell your friends!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#AlexFromTarget? More Like #WhoCares

Let me start off by saying I have nothing against this Alex From Target person.  I mean, after all, he's just a normal guy who works at a Target and has become an Internet sensation in less than a week.  I do not hate or dislike Alex.  What I dislike is the fame someone is getting for doing nothing besides being attractive.

So you're telling me that I sit here and spend my money to try and write books for people that mean something to others and get no attention, but someone working behind a counter at Target does?  It really just shows what importance really is to our country and it actually makes me quite upset.  How does someone who doesn't even try to get noticed become famous (especially when he openly admitted on Ellen he has not talent), but then me, an author who's trying to reach people through his writing, can barely get a new follower on Twitter a day?  Or can barely get someone to read my book?  

Like I said, I don't hate Alex.  I hate the world we live in that makes people like me have to struggle to get noticed, but then we make stupid people like Nash Grier and hot people like Alex From Target famous?  Please.  Just give me a break already.