Friday, July 25, 2014

First Day of Edits (And Fighting and Crying and Stress)

Today was one of those days that seemed to be great overall, but there were seriously some parts I could have lived without.  Even now as I sit here writing this, I swear I might nod off any second.  Unfortunately, I feel like I have been slacking on you guys lately.

As many of you know, my very first book, BEFORE I BREAK, is coming soon.  Today, there were some revelations for me and some good news.  First of all, I have raised $125 on GoFundMe so far, which is enough to pay my cover artist (who is author Nikki Rae, by the way).  I should have the cover in like 2 weeks, and possibly less depending on how quickly she works.  Secondly, apparently there is a way to get hardcovers of my book, as opposed to the paperback and ebook you can order off of  I have to personally order the hardcovers and sell them myself, meaning you will need to come to a signing in order to receive a hardcover.

That to me is a big deal because hardcovers have always been my favorite, no matter what.  The other good news is that I am aiming for an October 20th release date--this may or may not change depending on how long the editing process takes.  All of this is very exciting and very overwhelming.

Also, just to let everyone know, this may be my only book published through Createspace.  I have been looking into DogEar publishing for my first series, which I plan to release in the fall of next year.  I refuse to speak too much about that, but unlike BEFORE I BREAK, it is a paranormal series about Monster Hunters and mental illnesses, cutting, etc.  Does it sound intense?  It will be.

So now after a long day, I am officially ready to go to sleep.  Be prepared.  Tell your friends.  Spread the word.  This book is coming and it's going to be one that any John Green and Ellen Hopkins fan will love for sure (they were my influences as I wrote this).

Everyone have a good weekend, while I sit and stare at my word vomit I call a book.

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