Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Update on the Sales

A lot of you may have already purchased a copy of BEFORE I BREAK, and right now the sales are doing just as well as I expected.  I do have to say that I am extremely happy about this week's sales and here is why.

My book is available on ebook for Kindle, which is great and dandy for some, even though I personally don't like them.  I prefer physical copies of books but that's just me.  But the one thing I do have to credit ebooks for is how almost immediately people have been getting and reading my book and I love that feeling.  And through Kindle, I am included in a program that allows my ebook to be free for a week.

Yes.  You heard right.

For one week, the ebook BEFORE I BREAK will be free, glory to Kindle Select, and it has caused my sales to skyrocket and the position on the Amazon Bestseller List to go from #300,000 to in the #5,000's.  Every hour new people are getting the ebook and trying it out.

Some of you may be wondering, Why does he want to sell his ebook for free?  That gets him no money.  Well, here is the honest to God truth:

When the book first came out, the only people buying my book were friends and family, which gave me about $20 by the time the royalties were calculated.   This left me feeling very weak, but I had to remind myself that I am self-published author and this is my fist book.  Then when I saw that I could make my book free for a week, I figured it might help get some hesitant readers who aren't sure about a new author a chance to try me out.

So sure enough, by the time I woke up, the rank of my book had changed and over 20 people had bought it by the afternoon.  And I use the term bought lightly because, well, you know why.  And now it's the end of the night and nearly 30 people have bought my book.  This means I have 30 new readers who will probably tell other readers, and then those readers will tell other readers who tell other readers.  

Point made.

But like I said, after the week is over, it'll go back to it's regular $3.99 and new readers will have to buy it, but if people have heard it's good, there's a great possibility they'll be okay with paying a few books.

Below is the link if you want to check it out.  I really hope to start hearing from readers soon!

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